Geneva - School Report Question and Answers

How would you rate the school's support and welcome/integration of new students and their families, and why?

PFA greets new families at Orientation. With CDL's Direction, it throws a free BBQ at the start of the year to bring the whole school together as one community -- students, parents, teachers, and staff. Admissions staff and parents greet new families at a special meeting point. PFA also hosts Welcome Coffees and a seminar on Swiss Traffic Rules for newcomers. New families are encouraged to attend PFA meetings, which are open to all. PFA also runs Parent Time, which provides a wide range of clubs and activities for parents (hiking, skiing, tours & outings, stay-at-home dads, book clubs, etc.), and these activities are a great way for parents to get to know each other. For the kids, CDL plans Discovery Days and field trips (usually into the mountains) at the start of the year to help them get to know their classmates. For some parents, these trips happen too soon, and some kids are not comfortable leaving home so soon after arriving. Others think the trips are a great way for the kids to quickly get to know each other. - Oct 2013

D Almost nothing. One "welcome" meeting at the start of the year that feels canned and impersonal. - Sep 2012

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