Mumbai - School Report Question and Answers
Aside from school fees, are there required expenses such as uniforms, laptops/tablets, musical instruments, or field trips that parents are expected to cover? What are the approximate costs?
For elementary school, we've only had the expense of the Physical Education uniform. In 4th grade they are required to have a laptop each day. You could bring your own or the school can loan you one for the year. - Sep 2021
Multiple mandatory and costly trips - May 2019
Laptops required. Yearly mandatory trip which we have to pay out of pocket, this is only for US Diplomats as the school covers the trip but our Govt does not allow us to accept and we have to pay $800 out of pocket. Other field trips, which are not mandatory but hard to say no to as everyone goes. - Jan 2019
Yes, fees for uniforms, buses, and occasional field trips. - May 2017
Required laptops from 4th grade on, PE uniforms. - Dec 2014