Pristina - School Report Question and Answers
How is the overall communication between teachers and parents, and the administration and parents? How is communication facilitated?
Teachers and staff communicate primarily through email, which is more than fine with us. We receive weekly updates from individual teachers as well as from the school director. Further, PHS uses 'Renweb' online which provides up-to-date information regarding administrative, ongoing studies, homework, projects, progress reports, etc., so that we parents have access whenever we like. This application answers most questions which can arise during the school year. - Jan 2020
Both the teacher and the principal send often emails with instructions. They principal awaits all students and parents every morning. The teacher sends out a weekly notice with an update. Besides that, you can log in all day to see your kids development. On the same system, you can order lunch etc. - Dec 2019
Have individual class website and regular emails - Feb 2016
A - Feb 2016
Excellent. The teachers always have time or make time and I rarely have to wait more than a day for an email reply. FTF meetings are also always possible. - Apr 2014
A - I've never had to wait more than a few hours for an email reply. The teachers are always happy to talk to the parents. Best I've seen so far, and this is our seventh country. - Mar 2014
A - Mar 2014
ATeachers often have meetings with parents, and also have open house nights at beginning of school year to introduce themselves and talk about what is expected during the year - Nov 2012
A The school is small and the Director sends out frequent newsletters and updates.Each class teacher sends out a monthly "newsletter" with details of classroom activities, Parents are encouraged to come to school to meet with Director or teachers whenever there is a concern. - Oct 2012