Caracas - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

Smaller and smaller each year. Morale is not the best, but people here work hard to stay positive and make the best of a challenging experience. I think that embassy families look out for each other and it is a close-knit community. - May 2015

Shrinking and mostly grumpy except for those of us who love it. - Apr 2015

Small and getting smaller as foreign firms continue to leave and embassies draw down their staffing. Morale is mixed-- the more resilient you are, and the more Spanish you know, the easier it is. People freak out here pretty easily, and there is significant stress experienced by all. - Nov 2014

Many dual-nationals, but more and more expats and dual nationals are leaving because of the crime and economic crises. The infrastructure is also falling apart with very little maintenance carried out on a preventive basis. - Sep 2013

Big but shrinking all the time. Besides the embassy, there are many American families here with Chevron, and this is a hub for several multi-national corporations. - Aug 2012

Decreasing due to security challenges and political situation. - Mar 2012

Shrinking. But those of us here have a lot of fun. - Mar 2011

Medium. Mostly diplomats and those in the oil industry. All international companies have started to pull Americans and other non-Venezuelans out. Procter & Gamble pulled it's final American out earlier this year. - Sep 2010

Don't know but it's shrinking - Mar 2010

Small. - Mar 2010

Relatively large due to all the oil companies. - Feb 2009

Relatievely limited, and getting smaller. Expat businesses are being driven out of Venezuela by Chavez and the community is collapsing rapidly. - Nov 2008

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