Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any particular health concerns? What is the quality of available medical care? What medical conditions typically require medical evacuation?

Dengue - Jun 2024

Medical care is not the best. - Sep 2023

Average coverage. Miami is a short flight away. - Oct 2021

I have heard there have been a number of deaths related to plastic surgery and my understanding is that food poisoning is common. Verify your medicine when buying at a pharmacy. If they don't have what you need, I would be concerned they'll give you something random without telling you. - Feb 2021

Dengue is a concern in the Dominican Republic, as was Zika at one time. It is easy to go to the USA for serious medical concerns; there is also good care available in the Dominican Republic in certain facilities. - Jan 2021

Most of the typical tropical diseases are present here. - Jul 2019

Mosquito-borne illnesses (dengue, chikungunya, and zika). Tap water is not potable. High rate of STDs. Any serious health concerns will warrant a medevac to Miami. - Jan 2019

Mosquito-borne illnesses (dengue, chikungunya, and zika). Tap water is not potable. There is good medical care at private clinics. - Nov 2016

Medical care is not obviously not on par with the US, so many people are medivac'd to Florida. The better doctos are US-educated. - Apr 2016

Tropical diseases and concerns from the non-potable water. Medical care seems decent, lots of specialists, doctor's offices seem relatively modern. The hospitals, I have heard, are not great. I would want to go back to U.S. if I had to be hospitalized. Prescription meds are available without a prescription and are cheap. I'm talking about antibiotics, not painkillers (which are controlled and you do need a prescription). A doctor's office visit typically costs RD$2,500 which is about US$50. - Jan 2016

Dengue and other mosquito born diseases. Medical care is not like the states but is "ok". Some places better than others. - Jan 2016

Medical are is pretty decent and cheaper than U.S. - Aug 2015

Many options with U.S. trained doctors. The system is a little confusing but care is available. - Aug 2015

Mold and respiratory issues are a problem due to the high humidity especially in the summer. Private hospitals can give adequate care but for anything serious the U.S. is best. - Aug 2014

We found a great U.S.-trained pediatrician that many families use. Most people go home for anything medically important. - Jul 2013

Okay, but I would go to Miami for anything serious. - Apr 2013

MOLD! There is a serious mold problem in most of the homes and apartments. This has caused health problems for many of the embassy staff and their families. The GSO and facilities maintenance section have been unable to manage this problem. Stomach viruses and bacterial infections are very common here. Food is not prepared in a clean environment in most restaurants. - Apr 2013

OK. - Jan 2013

Pretty good for dentists. Cleaning, check-up, and xray for US$30. - Jun 2012

Dengue, cholera, malaria are all real concerns. HIV is prevalent here too. Medical care runs the gamut from medieval to excellent. Post has a good list of doctors, and medivacs are only 1.5 hours to Miami for emergencies. Post Medical office could use some help, but I hope that changes when it turns over. - Mar 2012

Medical care is adequate, but for more complex issues most people fly to Miami. Dengue is a concern, you need bug spray here. - Feb 2012

be careful you need to try doctors to find good ones, but there are very good ones. - Feb 2012

Dengue. If you need surgeries you will be medevac'd. - Oct 2011

It seems to be ok. The dentists are good and I've had blood work done twice, no complaints. Unfortunately, doctors and nurses are paid extremely low wages here. The labor laws (or lack there of) lead to very overworked staff at medical centers. - Jun 2011

Dengue fever, allergies, cholera, parasites. Medical care is okay although I would never want to be hospitalized here. - May 2011

dengue, malaria and other fun illnesses - Nov 2010

Quality medical care is available for basic issues, but for anything more complicated, most people fly to Miami. As for health issues, Malaria and Dengue (aka. Bone break fever) are both common. While Malaria is more common in rural areas, Dengue can be found ANYWHERE.TB, HIV, and Syphilis are also VERY common. - Aug 2010

Our one experience in an emergency room clinic (considered a nice one) was scary at best. The sheets were dirty, and they prepared the needle outside of your sight, so we weren't sure if the needle was clean. So we had them do it again in front of us. I wouldn't trust hand washing. We get most of our basic needs met at the embassy health unit, which we are pleased with. - Jun 2010

Lots of health concerns: dengue fever, malaria, parasites, fungi. Medical care at the embassy is great. Locally there are some good clinics and doctors. - May 2009

Amebas abound. People are always complaining of stomach cramps, constipation and diarrhea. Most people get dengue at some point. I'm a raw foodist, so maybe that's why I only get mild colds. ; ) - Nov 2008

Parasites, Dengue Fever, infections, injuries from falls/accidents, etc. can be concerns. Medical care is available and may be decent, but fortunately medivacing to the States is possible b/c of proximity when sufficient care is not available. - Oct 2008

Dengue fever has become a problem. There are some good doctors here and a fair few specialists -- it all depends on your comfort level with a foreign doctor. - Aug 2008

Tropical diseases are real - nearly 1/2 of the Embassy has had dengue fever (some multiple times), malaria is at the border and at the eastern resorts, both ameobias and parasites are prevalent and easily acquired, pollution is taxing if you've got more than slight pulmonary restriction. Don't get into a major car crash - trauma facilities are rudimentary. There are a number of good doctors and dentists - ask around for personal references after arrival. - Jun 2008

No not really. There are very good dentists and doctors here. - Feb 2008

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