Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the typical dress code at work and in public places? Is formal dress ever required?

Casual - Jun 2024

casual - Sep 2023

Same as other posts. - Oct 2021

Business casual is most common amongst Dominicans. Some people at the embassy wore suits and ties, especially in Consular. - Jan 2021

Business dress at the Embassy - Jul 2019

Suits for most government and office work. Dominicans seem to be all about appearances. - Jan 2019

Suits for most government and office work. People in general dress better than in the United States (collar shirt, long pants, and loafers is the typical casual outfit). - Nov 2016

Given the DR's tropical nature, people tend to be more casual than in the US. - Apr 2016

At work, varies somewhere between business formal and casual. Suits are always acceptable, many ladies wear dresses and skirts too. - Jan 2016

Business casual and people tend to dress up when they go out. - Jan 2016

Business casual. - Aug 2015

Business casual - suit and tie. Depends on the office and the occasion. - Aug 2015

Business and business casual with the local flair of Chacabanas. - Aug 2014

People do not wear shorts or workout attire in public (unless they are working out). Women should bring lightweight pants, skirts, and capris for daily use. In general, people dress up more than Americans do. You can never be overdressed if going to an event with Dominicans. Women should bring some cocktail dresses. Men can wear a guayabera shirt at many events and can get one made/buy one here. At the consular section, suits are not required, although I wear one often. I recommend that women bring lightweight sleeveless tops that can be worn under their suit jackets. - Jul 2013

Business casual at work. Shorts are not as common here for adults as they are in the US. Women tend to dress up even when they are only going to the grocery store. - Apr 2013

Regular business attire. - Apr 2013

Business, running to the casual side. - Jan 2013

Generally business suits. Complimented with gold chains if you want to look like a local. - Jun 2012

Suits are the norm on the visa line and in the more public-facing positions. Guyaberas and business-casual are acceptable as well. Purchase light suits and clothing... the heat can be brutal. Think linen and silk. - Mar 2012

Business casual at work. Dominicans like to get dressed up, they are pretty fashion conscious. - Feb 2012

dress up, dominicans dress up to check their emails and shop online. - Feb 2012

Work:BussinessPublic: Anything - Oct 2011

No one wears shorts. People at work wear suits or business casual. Women dress provocatively and the motto seems to be "the tighter the better, the higher the heels, the better". The younger men like to rock the bedazzled jeans. - Jun 2011

Business casual to Business - May 2011

formal. shirt and tie, suits not necessary - Nov 2010

People typically dress very formally. Women often wear formal dresses and for men, suites. - Aug 2010

My husband needs to wear a dress shirt and tie to work. As far as in public, Dominicans don't wear shorts, so you will stand out as an American if you wear them (children wear them, though). Dominican ladies tend to dress up and wear very high heels and lots of jewelry. Outer appearance is very important in their culture, not just what you wear, but also how your home looks. When our grass gets a little high, we often get recommendations for gardeners.....which I find funny. - Jun 2010

Dress is casual. Most Dominicans step out of the barrio but manage to look good after they do. - May 2009

At CMS, the local teachers wear a lot of polo shirts. We Americans wear the same clothes we wore in the States. - Nov 2008

Dressy casual with an emphasis on staying cool. Dominicans like to dress up more--especially in social situations. Women wear tight jeans, high heels, low-cut blouses, jewlery, and regularly have their hair and nails done at the salon. - Oct 2008

At work, same as a typical U.S. office. In public, casual. - Aug 2008

The dark suit is alive and well for men at work. Skirt & blouse or dress for women at work. Shorts are rarely seen -- especially on women. - Jun 2008

Formal. - Feb 2008

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