Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

What types of jobs do most expatriate spouses/partners have? Locally based or telecommuting? Full-time or part-time? Can you comment on local salary scales?

Low-level embassy jobs. - Jun 2024

I know people who worked remotely or worked at the embassy. I don’t know anyone who worked on the local economy. - Jan 2021

Not really. Salary scale seems too low. - Jan 2019

Not really. Salary scale is too low. - Apr 2016

Not that I know of; wages here are very low so it wouldn't even be worth it to find a job locally. - Jan 2016

Probably but you must speak the language. - Jan 2016

I am not sure....if you speak spanish I am assumming there it. - Aug 2015

Theoretically, yes. You would need Spanish. - Aug 2015

Mainly as school teachers, but otherwise they are few and the salaries are very low. - Aug 2014

I don't think so. - Jul 2013

Not really. There seem to be some jobs at the international schools, and there are some people who telecommute. Most spouses and members of household work for the embassy. - Apr 2013

Not many. Some in English language schools. - Jan 2013

Not a lot. - Jun 2012

There are no jobs for expats on the local economy for anything that would be considered a decent wage. The opportunities in the Mission are few and far between as well, and post HR has some issues they're struggling with (on-boarding times, first paychecks).Salaries are also ridiculously low in the Mission. Think grad-student levels and attitude (i.e. captive audience and slave wages). - Mar 2012

Some, but there are more people wanting work than there are available positions. - Feb 2012

yes, if you look, as there are not very qualified locals - Feb 2012

no - Oct 2011

It depends on your job. I think teachers would have a lot of opportunities. You would definitely need Spanish and the pay would be very low compared to the U.S. or Europe. - Jun 2011

I can't imagine. - May 2011

no - Nov 2010

Jobs are available, but only if you want to earn about 200 USD per month and/or do menial tasks. - Aug 2010

The State Dept. has decent-paying jobs for family members. Schools seem to hire quite a few expats. - Jun 2010

Not really. - May 2009

Not really. Good paying jobs are best secured in the States before arriving here. - Nov 2008

There are jobs, but I've been told the pay is low. - Oct 2008

It is an exceptionally tough job market and Spanish-fluency is a must. You will not receive a salary offer near what you're used to. - Jun 2008

No. - Feb 2008

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