Santo Domingo - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

Large - Jun 2024

Large with extremely low morale. - Sep 2023

Mid-high. - Oct 2021

Not huge - this is not a major city - but significant. There are also many tourists from the USA and Europe. There is also a significant expatriate resident population on the island’s north coast. Morale is generally good. While there are frustrations in life, we are still in the tropics! - Jan 2021

It's a fairly small expat community, given how small the country and capital city are. - Jul 2019

Large and mixed, over a million Dominicans living in the DR are U.S. citizens or LPRs, lots of Haitians, Venezuelans, Colombians, Russians, and Europeans as well. - Jan 2019

Large and mixed, over a million Dominicans living in the DR are U.S. citizens or LPRs, lots of Haitians, Venezuelans, Colombians, Russians, and Europeans as well. - Nov 2016

Not a huge expat community. Other than the US, other embassies are small. A few companies send expats, but most don't. - Apr 2016

Pretty large expat community, there are lots of diplomatic missions here as well as US and World Bank and other NGO offices. Lots of expats complain about life here when they get together, but expats are also a valuable source of information about the city/country, too. - Jan 2016

Large expat community but overall poor morale, not just among the Americans. - Jan 2016

It seems like everyone is just counting down the time until they leave but they make the best of it. There are worst places and you can have some good times here. You just have to change your thinking. - Aug 2015

Very large. If you are outgoing you can make the most of a huge scene. - Aug 2015

Expat size is huge but many are of Dominican descent and morale appears high. - Aug 2014

It's pretty large and Americans are by far the largest group. I work in the consular section and don't know a lot of the people who work in the rest of the embassy. It's been hard to get to know people from other countries, although I think the Diplomatic Women's Club allows for a lot of socializing. Many spouses have enjoyed that club. - Jul 2013

There is a decent-sized expat community. - Apr 2013

Unknown. - Apr 2013

Many expats. - Jan 2013

Smallish and young outside the embassy. - Jun 2012

Large mission, ~250 strong. A good number of U.S. citizens here too (~250,000 according to ACS).You can hang with only Americans if you like... I don't recommend that. - Mar 2012

Medium. - Feb 2012

big, good international women club association get in touch with them - Feb 2012

It's hard to tell. There are a ton of dual nationals and a lot of Europeans retire here. - Jun 2011

Small - medium. I really can't answer this question since I don't mingle much. - May 2011

very small outside of the embassy.a few south americans and a few europeans.very few americans - Nov 2010

The English-speaking expat community is relatively small. - Aug 2010

Large. Mostly Americans. - May 2009

Medium to large. - Nov 2008

Large-ish, but not huge. - Oct 2008

Medium to large. - Aug 2008

Small. - Feb 2008

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