Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

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No - Jun 2024

If you are looking at a list of foreign locales to live in, Sao Paulo will definitely outrank many. You just need to make sure you are educated on the realities and be prepared for anything. - Nov 2017

This has been my best tour! The work is rewarding, the schools are fantastic, the people are lovely, and the travel opportunities are AWESOME. I will leave this Sao Paulo kicking and screaming. - Jan 2017

This isn't the easiest city to adapt to. It's big; there is smog; it's not pretty. BUT the people are great, the food is good, and it is not hard to find anything you may want. There are great schools and plenty of activity. All in all, it's a great place. - Aug 2013

Just give Sao Paulo a chance. Once you get into the city and get to know some people, you will see how wonderful it is. - Jan 2012

Sao Paulo is a great city. I've lived here and in Rio for a year each and I prefer the cosmopolitan lifestyle of Sao Paulo over the lazy beach Carioca vibe. People tend to complain a lot about the driving, crime, pollution, and high prices here, but if you're looking for a fun city, in a place you'll never be bored, this is a good choice. If you prefer small town atmospheres, I don't know if this is the place for you. - Aug 2008

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