Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

What household or grocery items do you wish you had shipped to post?

A lot can be ordered via mail, and I travel often enough outside of Brazil to bring back whatever I need. I find myself bringing back things like chocolate chips, olive oil (because it's much cheaper at Costco), maple syrup, cheese (especially real parmesan), anything from Trader Joe's, peanut butter, vanilla extract (again, way cheaper and better at Costco), and Asian condiments. - Jun 2024

Paper towels/toilet paper/laundry soap. Paper products are inferior and very expensive. Nearly all of the shampoos/soaps/deodorants/and detergents contain some type of perfume. If you're allergic or have a sensitivity ship some pods in your HHE, carry on a small quantity and then order as needed. I carry on several blocks of cheddar cheese every time I come back from the US as it can be hard to come by and it just isn't the same. Also, bring yourself some powdered buttermilk if you want biscuits, pancakes, or any type of salad that requires it. - May 2021

Paper products - local paper products are poor quality (toilet paper, etc.). - Apr 2021

Peanut butter, paper products, and any detergents that are scent-free. - Aug 2019

Anything liquid which is not permitted to be ordered online and delivered via the pouch (sauces, condiments, preferred shampoos/soaps, cleaning supplies, etc.) Also spices (PEPPER!), healthy snack foods, gluten free items if required, etc. If you are into healthy eating, you will struggle with the canned/boxed/bagged foods in Brazil since they contain a lot of sugar and additives in comparison to other countries. - Nov 2017

Cleaning products here aren't quite as good as in the States. Honestly, though, I've heard people complain about it more than I've noticed it myself. Haven't found good cheddar cheese. - Apr 2017

There was really nothing I needed that I couldn't find locally. - Apr 2017

Tortilla chips, more spices (like curry), peanut butter. Anything for babies or kids is super-expensive: diapers, wipes, toys. - Jan 2017

You can find a large variety of grocery items. Anything that you cannot find you can have shipped via Amazon (wait time is 1 1/2 to 2 weeks). - Jan 2017

Very little. Nearly everything can be found here. - Aug 2015

Peanut butter, shampoo, conditioner, dish liquid, laundry detergent. - Aug 2013

I am glad we brought our own peanut butter because the local brand is super sweet, and the American imports are expensive. Also, there aren't as many cereal varieties, and if you really like your cereal, I would bring it. I wish we brought more Mexican food ingredients like canned chilies, taco seasoning, canned refried beans, etc. Most of those things are VERY expensive here. However, you can find smaller flour tortillas for a decent price. I am also glad I brought my scent-free and color-free detergent, since I haven't seen them here. If you like iced tea, bring your own. They don't really sell the 36+ pack of iced-tea bags here. - Dec 2012

Children’s clothes, diapers, toys, American brands/food you can’t live without, electronics and appliances; ship whatever you think you will need. - Jan 2012

Children's clothes, peanut butter, chocolate chips, books - Jan 2012

Bring EVERYTHING possible: electronics, clothes, dry goods of all sorts; paper products (napkins); school supplies; laundry detergent. - Jan 2012

Candles (heavy but coveted), envelopes, grape jam (it's not the same here), brown sugar and cocoa, chocolate chips are hard to come by, more seasoning and sauce mixes to cook with, that"s about it. - Oct 2008

Trash bags, hot sauce, peanut butter, mop, glasses, plates, DSL or Cable modem. - Aug 2008

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