Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the overall climate: is it extremely hot or cold, wet or dry, at any time of year, for example?

It's sort of subtropical. Never all that cold in the winter, and quite hot in the summer. Some parts of the year are rainier than others. - Jun 2024

Warm in summer. Cool/cold in winter. The most extreme temperature I have seen in my time here are 98F and 34F but both are quite rare. - May 2021

Moderate, comfortable weather year-round. Not as hot as I thought it would be in Sao Paulo since it is at a higher elevation. Other cities outside Sao Paulo get very hot. - Apr 2021

Great climate. Mild winters (i've seen my breath just a few times) and warm/hot summers. During summer there's a rain storm every day right when we're leaving work... - Aug 2019

The weather in Sao Paulo is very pleasant. The seasons are opposite of the US, but don't vary in temperature too much. I would say they resemble the southeast US as a comparison. - Nov 2017

Generally the same as DC most of the year, but with a milder winter. You won't see snow in Sao Paulo. - Apr 2017

it is really hot in summer and rains a lot throughout the year with lots of flooding. It can get cold in winter, though (40F). - Jan 2017

The weather patterns are the exact opposite of the US. The climate is similar to Florida--lots of rain and sun, chilly at times but no snow. - Jan 2017

The climate is excellent, generally sunny and warm. It gets pretty hot in the summer (December and January), with big thunderstorms most every day. During winter (June-August), it can get down in the high 50s F. As you probably know, Sao Paulo is known as the City of Drizzle, because it can be rainy, gray and windy. But today (Aug. 4) it was 80F degrees and sunny. - Aug 2015

Rainy season - expect rain. Dry season - DRY. Winter gets chilly, down to about 45F at night, but nothing a room heater can't solve. - Aug 2013

There are moderate changes in seasons. Seasons are opposite of the United States. It gets into the 90s F during the summer and 50s F during the winter---cold enough for sweaters and a medium-weight coat. We needed space heaters during the winter. - Dec 2012

Winter – June through August – is generally dry and comfortable – around 60F/70F but can get cooler. Note that apartments are typically poorly insulated so they tend to stay pretty cold in the winter. Summer – November through February – is generally hot and humid (80F/90F). It usually rains every afternoon, although it has been known to rain all day for several days in a row at cooler temperatures. - Jan 2012

Never gets too cold, but there is a winter June-August. Really nice summer, spring, fall - Jan 2012

Generally warm, but a little cool for some during the winter season. The summer can be humid. No snow or frost. - Jan 2012

Mostly temperate throughout the year, Sao Paulo gets hot from around November-February, which is also the rainy season. Last year it did get strangely cold for about two months and I was sleeping in layers. Most apartments don"t have heating or air conditioning. Seasons are the opposite than in the USA (winter here is August). - Oct 2008

Rainy, gets down to the high 40s during the winter. Don't forget about the inverted seasons. - Aug 2008

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