Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

But don't forget your:

Any hobbies you can easily do from home so you don't need to venture out into the city all of the time. - Jun 2024

Open mind - May 2021

Sunscreen! - Aug 2019

Open mind. - Nov 2017

Patience. Everything takes longer here and you'll spend a good amount of your time stuck in traffic going somewhere. - Apr 2017

Bathing suit and Amazon Prime account! - Jan 2017

Vanilla extract and chocolate chips, for those of you who like to bake. Also, Southerners take note, you can't find grits here. It's also hard to buy clothing here. It can be more expensive and of less quality, especially children's clothes. You will likely want to do most clothes shopping online. - Aug 2015

Shorts and clothes for the next few years. Clothes and shoes are expensive. - Aug 2013

Portuguese dictionary! - Dec 2012

Umbrellas and rain coats; Portuguese phrase book as English won’t help you very much; patience as Brazilian life is VERY bureaucratic and you will spend lots of time waiting - Jan 2012

Portuguese--it will help you make Brazilian friends and that is all you need here - Jan 2012

De-humidifiers and umbrellas. - Jan 2012

Appetite. - Oct 2008

Bathroom stuff! Shower gel, shampoo, hand soap, all of this stuff is scarce and/ or expensive. - Aug 2008

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