Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the typical dress code at work and in public places? Is formal dress ever required?

Similar to most places, business casual most days and formal dress only at special events. - Jun 2024

Business and business casual. Brazilians are a well-dressed culture. - May 2021

Pretty formal dress code. People like to look nice here. - Apr 2021

Work: business/business casual. Everyday life...similar to the US. Though there is a very noticeable Brazilian style. On the beaches, expect to see the skimpiest bathing suits ever...on all sizes/ages of people. - Aug 2019

The work dress code is similar to the U.S. The social dress code can be the same or extremely different depending on where you are going. Formal events here are extremely formal, with both men and women spending the entire day at the spa for hair, makeup, and nails. We never felt "fancy" enough when we attended the high-level events. - Nov 2017

Varies depending on the situation. Not dissimilar from the US in that regard. - Apr 2017

For the consulate it depends on your section, as some are more business casual than others. Outside of work, Brazilians generally dress a little better than Americans. - Apr 2017

Business and casual business at work. Casual on weekends. Bring your flip-flops! - Jan 2017

Work and public attire is similar to what you would find within an metropolitan city in the US. - Jan 2017

Generally, the level of formality in Sao Paulo is the same as in the United States, perhaps a little more casual in the summer when it gets hot. - Aug 2015

Formal. Brazilians like to dress and be dressed nicely - Aug 2013

Paulistas like to dress nicely. Men wear suits or at least a tie and women wear nice dresses, skirts, pant suits, (extremely) high heels, etc. - Dec 2012

Dressy and stylish for work; in everyday life –pretty much anything goes - Jan 2012

work is stylish and business at the same timepublic is pretty open to whatever - Jan 2012

Business casual to Business. - Jan 2012

Business standard. Think Manhattan with more cleavage and higher heels for biz attire, ladies. Think same old same old for the boys. - Oct 2008

Suit and tie for men. Women should also go formally, but not all do. - Aug 2008

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