Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

Knowing what you know now, would you still move to this city?

Yes, it makes its mark on you and is an experience for sure. - Jul 2024

Probably not. It's not a place that captures the heart. - Jul 2024

Ask me later. There are challenges with bureaucracy and traffic that drive me bananas sometimes. - Jun 2024

Not forever but nice for a tour. - Apr 2024

Yes! I love this post! - Mar 2023

Yes, although with the pandemic I would have elected for a shorter tour. - Mar 2023

Absolutely. I stayed here for a reason. Many people do. - May 2022

Covid has made it very hard, so outside of that, yes. - Apr 2021

Absolutely. I might come back again. - Oct 2020

Probably. - Feb 2020

Yes. - May 2018

Yes. This has been a great two-year tour, and Manila has largely been a great fit for our family. We've been really happy with ISM and our housing, and our kids are very happy here. - Feb 2017

Yes. - Jul 2016

Probably not. - Jan 2016

Absolutely not. - Jan 2016

Yes, absolutely. - Jan 2016

Yes - Sep 2015

Yes, in a heartbeat. The Filipinos are wonderful and communicating is a cinch. - Aug 2015

No, not if I had a choice. It doesn't mesh well with my personality and I'm sick of the extra costs. - Aug 2015

No. - Sep 2014

Yes, without hesitation. - Jan 2014

It was great and provided numerous opportunities for travel and growth in my career, but not as a young professional seeking a balanced social life. - Dec 2013

Yes. - Nov 2013

Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if we do another tour in Manila in the future. - Aug 2013

Yes, definitely. - Apr 2013

We didn't have a choice. But if we did, no, we would not have come here. The Philippines has a lot to offer some people, but we weren't those people, and it's been a boring, uninspiring, and difficult tour. - Feb 2013

Yes. Though we've only been here a few months, we are enjoying ourselves. - Sep 2012

No, but it was an experience. - May 2012

ABSOLUTELY!We love it here, live in an amazing apartment, have traveled to so many amazing places in Asia and the Philippines, eat delicious food every time, have a helper that takes amazing care of our place and our pets... We love this place! - Mar 2012

For the work experience - yes, it's worth it work wise. To live - absolutely not. - Jan 2012

Yes. But one tour is enough. - Jul 2011

Not now...ask me in 10 years. I might change my mind. - May 2011

Yes. I don't regret it, but I will never come back. - May 2011

If you are expecting a Southeast Asian country, then maybe this isn't the place for you. This is more like the love child of Honolulu and Mexico City. If you are expecting an exotic version of Americana, then you have found it. For us, we would not come here again. - Feb 2010

Yes - Jan 2010

Yes, this has been a great first tour for myself and my husband! - Jul 2009

Yes, I love it here. - Apr 2009

Yes. - Jun 2008

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