Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

How do you send and receive your letters and package mail? Are local postal facilities adequate?

Send and receive letters and packages through DPO at work. Haven’t used local or in country shipping companies. - Jul 2024

I never used the local postal facilities, and only used mail services at the embassy. - Jun 2024

We use a sort of diplomatic post office service through our mission. It takes about a week or two for things to be delivered, but usually closer to a week. - Jun 2024

DPO, everything is through the embassy. - Apr 2024

I use the DPO. I've never used local facilities. - Mar 2023

Almost entirely via the embassy, which will add a few weeks but is reliable. Only used local mail a few times, but it was a hassle to pick up packages via a rather far-away post office. - Mar 2023

I did everything through my work. If your job doesn't take care of your postage, using a Balikbayan service is quite cheap: about 100$ to send a large box with no weight limit. - May 2022

Local post (from what I hear) is inconsistent and cumbersome. You can get Amazon, and there are local Amazon-like companies. - Apr 2021

We use the US Navy-provided post office service. It's relatively reliable, and during normal times (not during the COVID pandemic) it's pretty fast. You can get things you order from the U.S. in 10 days or fewer normally. - Oct 2020

DPO for US stuff. I am not sure how reliable the local postal facilities are. Even my cable bill gets delivered by the actual cable company. - Feb 2020

I get most of my mail through the US Embassy and haven't gotten local mail. - May 2018

Local postal facilities are not reliable, although the local private couriers (e.g., Air21) seem to do a decent job. Embassy personnel also have access to the DPO, which is reasonably fast (8-10 business days from the US on average, although that can depend on the vendor). Some of the international couriers (e.g., DHL) operate here too, but they often have trouble delivering to places outside the larger cities. - Feb 2017

The embassy has a DPO and the diplomatic pouch. Postal facilities are the best we've come across in the Foreign Service. - Jul 2016

DPO - Jan 2016

DPO through the U. S. Embassy. - Jan 2016

DHL or embassy/ most people use email or Facebook for letters. - Sep 2015

Via the Embassy mail room. - Aug 2015

DPO. - Aug 2015

DPO. - Sep 2014

Sending packages is pretty easy, and just requires a trip to a local mall and then finding the nearest shipping store that uses Fed-Ex, UPS, or some other companies. As for people still write those? - Jan 2014

DPO. - Dec 2013

DPO/FPO. - Nov 2013

DPO and it's incredibly fast. Amazon Prime takes about 5 days and we've been able to ship almost anything we've wanted. - Aug 2013

Through the DPO at the embassy. - Apr 2013

Embassy's DPO. Things arrive very quickly, and Amazon is a godsend. - Feb 2013

Via the embassy only. - May 2012

We use DPO, which usually takes about 2-6 weeks to get here. We haven't had issues yet. - Mar 2012

DPO at the embassy. - Jan 2012

DPO and Pouch is available at the Embassy. - Jul 2011

DPO - May 2011

DPO - May 2011

DPO. Don't use the pouch or the Philippine Post if you can avoid doing so. They are unreliable. - Feb 2010

I use Embassy mail system. None Embassy people use the DHL type of service and you can also send and receive Balikbayan boxes this way. - Jan 2010

The embassy has both an FPO and a pouch. It takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks to get mail and packages from the states. - Jul 2009

Delivery can be spotty - sometimes things arrive quickly, sometimes it takes months ... and sometimes they never arrive. If your company allows it, sending packages and letters there is probably the safest option. - Jun 2008

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