Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

Are local sports classes and/or activities available for kids?

ISM offers a plethora of afterschool sports and activities for all ages. - Jul 2024

Local sports are available, but it is much more difficult to get your children involved with youth sports. Sports leagues are poorly organized, and navigating trips to soccer, swimming, and basketball practice is extremely difficult due to the traffic. - Jun 2024

ISM has tons of free afterschool activities. - Apr 2024

The embassy organizes activities and there are many opportunities for private instructors on just about anything. My kids took ballet, swimming, and art classes. - Mar 2023

In non-Covid times, yes. Soccer, basketball, rugby, baseball are all locally availble. - Apr 2021

There are a ton. My kids take swimming lessons, I've taken tennis lessons. This has been heavily constrained due to COVID-19, but during normal times there are tons of activities for kids. - Oct 2020

My boys did Rugby both at school and in the community. Soccer and basketball are big here. - Feb 2020

Yes, there is soccer and T-ball/baseball available, swimming, gymnastics, dance, rugby, horseback riding, and golf. I'm sure there are others. - May 2018

ISM offers a ton of after-school activities - ranging from soccer, to table tennis, to wall climbing, to tap dance, to Mandarin – and also has active Boy and Girl Scout programs. Private swimming and music lessons are readily available in many buildings/neighborhoods, although you might need to ask around. Our kids have had plenty to do here. - Feb 2017

Yes, especially in the Fort of Makati. At Seafront the American Recreation Club does an OK job of providing some activities. - Jul 2016

Yes, though the various schools. - Jan 2016

International School Manila (ISM) offers a lot of after-school sports activities. - Jan 2016

No. Basketball and volleyball are available. Filipinos are not generally athletic people/culture. - Sep 2015

Yes, through school, and privately for more obscure sports, I'm betting at very little expense. - Aug 2015

Yes both in the community and at school. - Sep 2014

Yes and many through ISM. - Dec 2013

Yes. - Nov 2013

Yes, through the schools and in the villages. - May 2012

Since we don't have kids, I'm not sure, but I will be surprised if there isn't anything. - Mar 2012

Yes, through the school and locally. - May 2011

Basketball is extremely popular in the Philippines, the two big international schools have no shortage of activities. You will not find things like little league baseball, because Manila is a city of concrete with few green spaces. - Feb 2010

Most sports are at the schools, but lots on the outside too. My son is in ILLAM which is the Little league here and there are a lot of others if you just meet other parents and start asking them. Also there is a ice hockey group on Sundays at Mall of Asia I think run by a Canadian, kids to ice skating, piano lessons affordable..great stuff!Just not too much open park space. Baseball gets difficult with availability of few fields. - Jan 2010

I believe ISM has many sports programs available, including little league and soccer. - Jul 2009

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