Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

What accommodations do schools make for special-needs kids?

ISM has a strong program. Contact them directly. - Jul 2024

Most international schools make some accommodations for special-needs kids. - Jun 2024

I can only speak to ISM, but they have a lot of learning support, self contained classrooms (who they have been able to have on campus some). However, for online learning, supporting special needs is really difficult and I have found that it takes a long time for their processes to kick in. - Apr 2021

We have friends with special needs kids, and we know that there are programs available, but I don't have personal experience with this. - Oct 2020

ISM has some special needs children, but I cannot speak to the availability or quality of care (although I have never heard any complaints). - Feb 2020

No direct experience. ISM can accommodate some types of special needs, and they continue to invest in their capabilities. Colleagues dealing with more significant learning disabilities have also had good experiences with One World School (which focuses exclusively on special needs students). - Feb 2017

We can't speak to this personally, but we have a number of colleagues with special needs children and they seem to like the post. - Jul 2016

Available. Never used. - Sep 2015

Yes, Brent tends to accept more kids with special needs than ISM does, and there's a school called One World which accepts special needs kids. - Aug 2015

I've heard Brent is the best. - Sep 2014

Brent is the preferred school for special-needs children. - Dec 2013

Brent can handle them. ISM has some limited services. - May 2011

If your child has special needs, they will need to attend Brent, which has a very good reputation in this regard. - Feb 2010

As my above school experience says, Brent is better at accommodating special needs kids, such as Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy etc. From what I hear they have the staff and ability to support them properly. Again this is only through word of mouth though. My son had a speech impairment when we looked at schools and both Brent and ISM had no problems with this. ISM is not equipped to take children in wheelchairs etc. This would be one of my biggest complaints about ISM.However, my children have all gotten individualized attention at ISM and teachers have adapted to suit their needs and help them. Mine were premature infants so have history with dealing with various therapists. I also know a person who has Autistic children and she is 100% happy with what ISM has done for her kids. - Jan 2010

Brent is better at making accommodations for special needs than ISM, but generally if you are able to pay the additional money to the school for tutoring/mentoring, you should be okay. - Jul 2009

ISM, Brent and Beacon make accommodations for children with certain special needs, though there are no options for children with significant disabilities. ISM and Brent have ESL programs. - Jun 2008

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