Manila - Post Report Question and Answers

What kind of vehicle(s) including electric ones do you recommend bringing to post, given the terrain, infrastructure, availability of parts, burglary/carjacking risks, etc.? What kind of car or vehicles do you advise not to bring?

I would recommend bringing a Jeep or small SUV. The roads can go from decent to rugged in an instant, and quick moves in and out of lanes happens almost constantly. I haven’t seen an electric charging station but haven’t looked for one. Haven’t heard about car jacking or burglary but stay out of the bad areas. I wouldn’t bring a vehicle but buy one here. - Jul 2024

Bring whatever you want, just make sure it has comfortable seats because you are going to spend a lot of time in the car. Make extra sure the AC works. Electric cars are just starting to pick up here. There a small but growing number of Chinese BYD models on the road. I haven't seen any charging infrastructure, I think its all charge at home. - Jul 2024

Purchase a used car at post. Preferably an older SUV due to frequent flooding. Also get something comfortable with cold AC, as you will be sitting in traffic! - Jun 2024

Get something that you are okay with getting a little banged up as traffic is like jazz here. Get something that is comfortable sitting in for a long time. We got an SUV with captains seats in the back and it's excellent for long commutes. Electric vehicles will have issues with your housing and lack of infrastructure around the country. - Jun 2024

Your car will get beat up here. Don’t bring anything nice. The traffic and amount of motorbikes, combined with the Filipinos being clueless about the rules of the road makes driving the most dangerous thing you will do in the Philippines - Apr 2024

A car or SUV will work here. A small SUV is probably better given that driving lanes and parking spaces are on the small side. - Mar 2023

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