Baghdad - Post Report Question and Answers

Do you have any recommendations regarding mobile phones? Did you keep your home-country plan or use a local provider?

Used my personal phone on wifi. Used work phone for work. - Jul 2018

You get your Embassy-provided cell, which works for the most part. But there are also landlines in each apartment which have U.S. phone numbers that friends and family can call. - Feb 2014

Asia cell, blackberry provided by your office (and you will be expected to sleep with it). - Jan 2014

The embassy will give you a cellphone, and also maybe a BlackBerry. The BlackBerries don't work as phones, so you'll have to have both. - Jan 2013

You have the choice of an embassy phone embassy phone. You can use an unlocked phone and just take the embassy SIM out and place it in your phone. - Nov 2011

Iraqi cell phones suck. You'll be issued one but the service is poor. You will have a phone in your SDA with IVG. I don't know about Man Camp or East End. - Sep 2010

The MCI cell phone system that uses a U.S. phone number is likely the worst cell phone system ever made. Iraqna (and Asia-something) work far better. - Aug 2008

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