Lagos - Post Report Question and Answers
Are there any particular mental health issues that tend to crop up at post, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (winter blues)?
Life here can be hard and being in a small "green zone" for the diplomats can become very isolating. Depression is not uncommon. - Mar 2024
Lagos is surprisingly overcast, I was not expecting that given how hot it is. So people with SAD may need to make sure they have a well-lit apartment and find opportunities to spend time outdoors. - Aug 2020
No winter blues, but living in Lagos can be difficult for people who aren't used to big city life. Assertive driving is required here and being passive is seen as being a sign of weakness. Staying in Lagos for too long can also be mentally taxing as you work and live with the same people and small issues can flare up. - Jul 2020
The physical space most Consulate community members inhabit is very limited, due to both logistical and security restrictions. It's also a city that requires a lot of assertive behavior, particularly when driving (both as a driver and, particularly, in interactions with traffic cops looking for bribes and people begging and selling things.) These things wear on pretty much everyone. To the extent financially possible, making a point to periodically leave Lagos and have amazing travel experiences in other countries can make the monotony and difficulty of life in Lagos much more bearable. - Jun 2019
Not that I'm aware of. The work can be draining, but there is a good group of people at Post that makes it a lot better. It also helps to leave every 2-3 months, if only for a weekend. - Mar 2018