Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

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Explore, explore, explore! Get out of town! Get out of the country! Frankfurt is the post for your European bucket list! - Feb 2022

It's a very easy place to live. It's not a great place to visit but is a great jumping off point for visiting other places. We had a great tour and were sad to leave. - Sep 2020

Great tour, great post. If you are going, have fun. - Apr 2019

The best way to look at Frankfurt is a base for travel. It has its nice points, but is no London or Paris (or even Berlin). - Jan 2017

Great place, you'll enjoy it. - Feb 2016

This is a great post for everyone and you WILL have lots and lots of visitors! - Mar 2014

An assignment to Frankfurt is not the end of the world. There are far worse places to be sent to. With that said, it feels a bit like purgatory to me - neither here nor there. It of course depends on what you like to do, but even when you read the guidebooks there is hardly anything about Frankfurt. This is due in large part to the fact that Frankfurt is a city for commerce, and commerce only. It's a huge transportation hub, and it's a commuter city, so people come and go because they have to, leaving the city to feel void of life. It is a functional place to sleep and do business, but it lacks any real soul. If you end up working at the US Consulate General, then you will be forced to spend hour on an end at a former Luftwaffe hospital, which later became an Army hospital, and then the Consulate. This is by far one of the worst US diplomatic facilities I have ever been in. It's ugly, it feels like an insane asylum, and it looks like a prison from the outside (oh and it still smells like a hospital).I have talked to many expats (not associated with the USG), and the general sentiment seems to be that while Frankfurt is a tolerable place to live, they all plan on leaving as soon as they get the chance. It simply leaves a lot to be desired, and it never feels like home. I'll be happy to leave. - Oct 2011

Until they get rid of the compound, morale will always be low, and they will always be hard to try to fill positions here. It doesn't help that the COLA is low too, considering the costs of everything. But housing is the big morale issue that is not being addressed. - Jul 2010

We've been here for a year and we love it. There are plenty of things to do on your own or in group. The CLO does a superb job with activities, trips, etc. - Feb 2008

My kids love the American housing area because their friends are so close. Even when their best friends aren't around, they can go to the playground and often find someone to play with. - Jan 2008

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