Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

Is this a good city for LGBT expatriates? Why or why not?

No idea, but I think it's friendly? - Jun 2024

Yes, widely accepted and seems to be venues that cater to everyone. - Oct 2021

They have a HUGE LGBT parade and they have PRIDE! - Mar 2020

Absolutely. Frankfurt is very proud! - Mar 2020

Germans are pretty tolerant of LGBT issues. The association is active at the Consulate and there are destinations for LGBT folks around the city. - Feb 2020

Among the best. - Sep 2019

I think so, but I have no personal experience. There are several gay bars and there is no real open hostility. - Apr 2019

Yes - Germany is liberal and tolerant. - Sep 2017

Yes, no problem at all. - Jan 2017

Yes. Very open, both at the consulate and in Frankfurt. - Aug 2016

Sure - Feb 2016

I believe so - Dec 2015

Germany is much more forward-thinking on LGBT rights than the U.S., no issues whatsoever. - Jun 2014

Absolutely. Lots work at the Consulate both Local Staff and FSO's. - Mar 2014

Yes, this is an excellent city for gay and lesbian expats. The Consulate has an excellent support system as well. - Nov 2013

Yes. - Apr 2012

Pretty good I think. - Mar 2012

There is no discrimination, again, it's Western Europe. Compared with other major cities in Europe, the night life isn't that great. Definitely an older crowd as well. One has to understand that Frankfurt's population is only about 660,000.The surrounding area has a another million or so, but they all seem to stay in their local areas on weekends. It just isn't a big enough city to support a thriving gay scene. - Oct 2011

Sure. Anything goes... - Jul 2008

Yes. - Feb 2008

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