Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

What kinds of gyms or other sports/workout facilities are available? Are they expensive?

There is a beat-up old gym on the compound. It's not that expensive, but it's too much for what it is, which is a dilapidated gym. There is nicer stuff off-compound, you just have to go into the city more. - Jun 2024

There is an affordable but dated basement gym run by the Community Support Association in the housing area. There is another one at the Consulate. You have to pay to use them. Yes, you read that right. The military base nearby has an amazing gym facility that is free if you have privileges to use it. We use that one. - Aug 2023

There is a gym available for use on the housing campus, paid membership required. - Oct 2022

There is a paid gym on the "Siedlung" where most Consulate families live, but there's a free gym at the Consulate. - Feb 2022

On the compound, you have a gym, tennis courts, basketball courts. The Consulate has a gym as well. If you are housed off- compound you'll likely find high quality facilities easily available as well. Frankfurt has amazing green spaces and excellent biking infrastructure, so that seems to be a common way to get in exercise. - Oct 2021

Gym on the compound; CrossFit, yoga, and other facilities around town. Not too expensive. We paid 140 Euros a month for four workouts a week at CrossFit. - Sep 2020

Lots of options on the economy, about the same price as the US. They also have a gym in the neighborhood for only Consulate families. It's pretty big and other family members hold Pilates and other work out classes that have been wonderful. - Mar 2020

Anything you want is here, at reasonable prices. Also, excellent walking paths. Germans walk everywhere. - Mar 2020

Gyms are kind of pricey, but they are all over the place. There are fancy gyms downtown and a CrossFit box just two metro stops away. - Feb 2020

The compound has a gym and tennis courts. German "baths" (indoor water parks) are also popular. - Sep 2019

There is a gym on the compound, many gyms around town, and a Cross Fit box accessible by the train. The prices are similar to the US. - Apr 2019

The gym at the consulate is being redone, once that is complete it should surpass the Siedlung gym. The Siedlung gym is fine - tons of cardio and lifting. Also, several EFM's and employees host onsite classes like Zumba, Pilates, yoga, martial arts, etc. - Sep 2017

They are available but not cheap. - Jan 2017

There's a tiny gym in the consulate, a medium sized gym on the housing compound, and any number of options on the economy. - Aug 2016

The consulate has a workout facility. Don't know about cost. - Feb 2016

Tiny gym in the Consulate building (free), decent size gym in the Siedlung Community (very reasonable) and many private gyms in the community. - Dec 2015

There is a perfectly adequate gym in the housing complex that his relatively inexpensive. There are loads and loads of public pools as well. - Mar 2014

The Consulate has a small gym. There is also a gym on the housing compound which requires a membership. - Nov 2013

Yes. - Apr 2012

Yes, cheap and on the apartment complex where everyone lives. - Mar 2012

Yes. The Consulate housing compound has one, and the equipment (especially the tread mills) isn't that great; however, it's convenient. I have friends that go to gyms downtown, and they seem happy with them. - Oct 2011

There is a small, rundown gym on the compound. It's affordable. Any on the local economy cost too much though. - Jul 2010

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