Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

What accommodations do schools make for special-needs kids?

None. I wouldn't bid here if my kids had special needs. - Jun 2024

The schools do not make many accommodations for special needs. It was an extremely disappointing few years in that regard, as they talked a good game during the bidding season. However, when we actually arrived and tried to get a plan in place with the school, we were met with a lot of resistance and halfway attempts to accommodate minimal needs. - Oct 2022

I've heard of a number of special need kids rejected from FIS. Seems to be a real problem. - Oct 2021

Not to many school have special needs help. A couple can help with minor things. - Mar 2020

Depends on the school, but a lot of options. The Community Liaison Office (CLO) is awesome at post and can assist. - Mar 2020

I don't have personal experience, but FIS seemed very accommodating. - Apr 2019

I have heard that this can be tough. - Jan 2017

I have heard that can be a real issue. Anyone with special needs children MUST check with post very early and well before arrival. - Feb 2016

ABSOLUTELY NONE! Do NOT even think about coming here. NONE of the International Schools in Frankfurt will accept ANY LEVEL of special needs! DO NOT come here with a Special Needs Child unless you and your kid are fluent in German. Seriously. You will be up a creek without a paddle as the DOD school no longer accepts Consulate kids due to over-subscription of military families and construction restraints on space. - Mar 2014

- Oct 2011

Depends on the school. At ISF, not much. - Jul 2008

None. DODDS offers special needs care for consulate families, on a space available basis as opposed to space-required basis for military families. - Feb 2008

The international schools probably won't accept the child. If the child's special need is discovered after getting here, they have very limited services. DODDs will be able to accommodate them. - Jan 2008

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