Frankfurt - Post Report Question and Answers

Was this post your first expatriate experience? If not, what other cities have you lived in as an expat?

No, this is my third overseas posting. - Jun 2024

We have served in Asia, Africa, and the Caucasus. This was our first Western European posting. - Aug 2023

As a family, yes. - Oct 2022

Previously lived in France. - Feb 2022

Previously served in Johannesburg, second overseas tour with State. - Oct 2021

Manila, Istanbul, Vienna, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Munich. - Sep 2020

No, Middle East. - Mar 2020

Frankfurt is our 8th posting. We have previously been assigned to Washington, the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. - Mar 2020

This was my third overseas tour. I have previously served in Riga, Latvia, and Baghdad, Iraq. - Feb 2020

No, I've also had many others in Middle East, Africa, South America. - Sep 2019

No. This was my third. I've lived in Riga, Latvia and Baghdad, Iraq. - Apr 2019

Taiwan and Tunisia. - Sep 2017

No. Other posts in the Middle East. - Jan 2017

No. I've lived in six other countries. - Aug 2016

No, previous assignments have been in the Middle East. - Feb 2016

No, mostly in the Middle East - Dec 2015

No - Seoul, South Korea. - Jun 2014

I've also lived in Bucharest, Milan, Singapore, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, and Port Moresby. - Mar 2014

No, I have lived in Geneva, Oslo, Buenos Aires, and Stuttgart, Germany. - Nov 2013

No. - Apr 2012

Yes. - Mar 2012

No - Shanghai and Phnom Penh - Oct 2011

2nd expat experience. - Jul 2010

First expat experience. - Jul 2008

No. I have also lived in Paris and Bucharest. - Feb 2008

Previous posts include Asuncion, San Jose, and Tel Aviv. - Jan 2008

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