Singapore - Post Report Question and Answers
What is your home city/country? How long is the trip to post from there, with what connections? How easy/difficult is it to travel to this city/country?
Canada. 16-18 hours to get to Vancouver. Getting here is easy, but a very long flight. - Jul 2024
We’re from Massachusetts. On U.S. carriers (required on USG official travel) the trip is about 36 hours, which includes a layover/plane change in Tokyo or Seoul, usually. There are nonstops from several major U.S. cities. - Mar 2022
Our home base is Washington, DC. This is a pretty long flight with connections in Tokyo or Hong Kong. Usually, there is only one connection but for cheaper flights of course there are a few. - Aug 2015
26 hours. Singapore to Tokyo to LAX to ATL to NO. - Aug 2015
anywhere USA - Nov 2011
New York. I think it takes about 25 hours with a stope somewhere else in Asia. - Mar 2010