Bogota - Post Report Question and Answers

Knowing what you know now, would you still move to this city?

In a heartbeat. It’s been an incredible post. - May 2024

100% (but without a car). - Aug 2023

Yes. I love Colombia. It’s my second favorite after tour after Bangkok Thailand. - Feb 2021

No. The Bogota society is too rigid to be a place where one can flourish socially or develop deep friendships. Customer service (outside of luxury hotels/restaurants) tends to lack integrity; a tailor/shop will promise one thing and then not comply with the promise. The closed-mindedness, the bias against most things non-latino, the stay-in-the-family-nest syndrome, the lack of intellectual curiosity--it soon becomes a downer. Colombians tend to be extremely smug and remain in their comfort zone. Neighbors in my building, for example, have never said hi or offered any hospitality in the year of living in my building. Why expand their perfectly cozy lives?? - Jul 2020

Absolutely. - Feb 2020

Absolutely. I've loved Bogota although the traffic and sometimes the lack of customer service are frustrating. We extended from two to three years and haven't regretted it at all. - Nov 2018

Absolutely. I will be ready to go when it's time, but that's because I love adventure and am always looking for the next one. I don't like living too long in any one place, but I would come back. - Sep 2018

Yes. - Aug 2018

Probably not due to the difficulty of local employment. - May 2018

Yes - Apr 2016

Yes, but I probably wouldn't have extended my tour. - Aug 2015

No. - Aug 2014

Yes, but I won't come back for another tour unless road infrastructure and security improves. - Jun 2014

I guess so. It's better than many other places. But the altitude, rain, ever-present security issues, and commute time can make daily life a struggle here in many ways. - May 2013

Probably. - Oct 2012

Absolutely! - Jul 2012

No. - Apr 2012

Yes. - Dec 2011

Yes. - Jul 2011

No. - Nov 2010

NO! This has been the worst post we have been at. - Sep 2010

NO! - Aug 2010

In a heartbeat. - Aug 2010

Definitely. - Aug 2010

I think so, life is good here. - Jun 2010

Certainly. It has been a great experience for us. - Jan 2010

Absolutely - Sep 2009

Absolutely not. - Dec 2008

NO. I would go somewhere that is family-friendly, with less pollution and with a better Embassy Management team (see below). - Dec 2008

Not in a million years. - Nov 2008

Yes. - Nov 2008

I don't know. I say it's great but it's terrible all in the same day! We like it because of the schools, the weather (when it's not raining) and the nightlife but the insane driving, and constant watching your back takes its toll. You'll love it if you know people to get you out of Bogota every now and then. - May 2008

Yes. - Apr 2008

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