Bogota - Post Report Question and Answers

What accommodations do schools make for special-needs kids?

N/A - May 2024

CNG and CGB both have options for special needs kids. - Feb 2021

CNG does offer accommodations for some kids. - Feb 2020

Both of the main schools seem to have a good mix of what they offer. I believe that CNG has the ability to offer a wider range of needs, but I would ask both schools. I have learned that CGB offers more than I had originally realized. They do offer plenty for GT kids, too, as does CNG, with their AP classes. - Sep 2018

CNG is able to accommodate kids with special-needs for the most part. I am not too familiar with what accommodations CGB has available. - Apr 2016

The schools are not open minded about issues such as ADD and ADHD and do not deal well at all with the children who have these issues. - Aug 2014

Many families come here with special-needs children but I don't know if the schooling system lives up to expectations. - Jun 2014

Very limited, if they have anything at all. CNG is built into the side of a mountain and has many steep walkways and staircases with minimal accommodations. Again, research this question carefully if your child has problems with ambulation. - May 2013

There are a number of special-needs kids at post right now, and they all seem to do very well. CGB has a great special needs program and preaches "inclusion" to all students. - Jul 2012

Not sure. I would hate to be a special-needs kid in this social environment - Apr 2012

No experience. - Dec 2011

There is a learning center at CNG that accommodates a broad range of special needs. Other schools seem to handle it on a case-by-case basis, as resources are available. You definitely need to research beforehand if you are coming with a special-needs child, but likely you can put something together to address the child's needs if you look hard enough and make the right connections at schools. - Jul 2011

Again, I have seen very few. Not because of a lack of some schools' efforts, it is just that the resources are not available. - Sep 2010

Not adequate at schools. Parents need to look elsewhere. - Aug 2010

I'm not really sure, but I do know that the schools sometimes have special programs for an adult to attend classes with special-needs children and help them with their work within the normal class. - Aug 2010

El Anglo, where our child goes, made a board policy for a pilot program in which our child was admitted. This year another child was admitted as well. The rector and staff are committed to diversity at the school. It has been a wonderful experience for us. - Jan 2010

Both schools have special needs departments and tutoring available. CNG has been accused of labeling more kids than normal as special needs kids in what seems an effort to sell more services; CGB has hired someone who has focused on ESL, neglecting all other needs and driving away many qualified/experienced teachers/tutors. - Dec 2008

I don't know from experience but I have a co-worker who has a child with Down Syndrome and I know of other parents who've had ADHD children or other special needs. . . I think CNG has a wonderful program and does it's best to get your child where he/she needs to be. - May 2008

From what I hear they can handle minor to moderate special needs. More severe cases of special needs cannot be accomodated at this post. - Apr 2008

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