Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

What volunteer opportunities are available locally?

Tons. There is so much need. - Jun 2024

There do appear to be some, but it can be difficult. - Jan 2023

I'm not sure, I believe there are organizations but don't have much experience. - Jul 2020

I imagine many - orphanages, blue cross, centers for the disabled, etc. - Jan 2019

Plenty! - Nov 2017

There are lots of NGOs, orphanages, one animal shelter. Plenty to do if you like volunteering. - Sep 2016

Tons. India has a vibrant civil society, and you can find any cause you want here to help out with. - Mar 2015

There are plenty of NGOs around. - Jan 2015

Infinite. - Nov 2014

Many local NGOs. - Jul 2014

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