Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Are preschools available? Day care? Are these expensive? What has been your experience with them, if any? Do the schools provide before- and/or after-school care?

Our children went to Anthea Montessori and Blue Blocks for preschool. Most families sent their kids to Blue Blocks as it was closer to their homes, but I think Anthea was the better school. - Jun 2024

Preschools available, child-care also affordable. Again, did not have children. - Jan 2023

As mentioned above, we had one child attend New York Academy for pre-K and we had a great experience. Our child loved it. Costs and quality or instruction were good. A nanny took care of our younger child during the day and that was also a good arrangement. - Dec 2020

Yes, typically they are half day. Good quality - look at ISH, NYA, etc. - Jan 2019

Yes, several choices. - Sep 2016

I know that people seem to like the preschool - but I don't know anything more than that. - Mar 2015

I don't have young children but I understand folks are happy with the preschool and daycare options. - Jan 2015

No personal experience but a number of preschools are available and frequently utilized by expats. - Nov 2014

Very good pre-school options; several different schools ranging from $200-$500 per month. Some are filled with children from incredibly driven families -- picture 3 year olds getting homework EVERY night. Others are much more moderate. Overall, very, very good value. - Jul 2014

There are a number of good preschools that expats use. There are traditional preschools as well as a Wardorf school that starts at 2 1/2 years old and a Montessori school that starts at 1 year old. - Feb 2012

Virtually none that conform to American standards. - Jan 2011

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