Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there personal security concerns to be aware of at this post? Please describe.

I always felt safe. - Jun 2024

Be aware of your surroundings. If you're a woman or female-presenting, be especially aware in crowds. Hyderabad's pretty safe, though. - Apr 2024

Women on their own may be hassled. There are reports of horrendous crimes, but this doesn’t typically affect expatriate Westerners. Caucasian people and their children will likely be stared at and asked for selfies. Up to you, but once you say yes, a line may form. Indians seem to have fewer boundaries around personal space and touch. - Jan 2023

We never had any issues. Be smart about what is in pockets when strolling through crowded places. Keep close tabs on your cards when being charged for things. Dress appropriately. Hire a local driver. That covers most things. - Dec 2020

There is crime in the city, it is generally a good idea to not go out alone at night, though there's really nowhere to go. Women especially have reported being stared at, followed, or made to feel uncomfortable when alone, even during the day. - Jul 2020

This is one of the safest places I've ever lived. Most of my female colleagues were not bothered by taking taxis alone. It's not a nice city to walk around, but if you did, it's safe, even at night. I never heard of any reports of burglaries or crimes. People are very friendly. - Jul 2019

We feel very safe here, but of course common sense should prevail. - Jan 2019

Just being aware of your surroundings at all times. For the most part, you'll just be stared at a lot. People will try to touch white children, so just watch out for that. - Nov 2017

India has had its share of terrorism, but it is not evident. Wherever you go to a public place, you will be frisked for guns or explosives. Women are generally at risk; gender disparity leads to sexual harassment, eve-teasing, rapes and violence. Constant staring from every direction is very annoying. Beggars hassle you. People of African origin are discriminated against. For the first time in my life I feel uncomfortable here. - Sep 2016

There was a terrorist attack in 2013, but nothing since then. I think some people are waiting for Hindu-Muslim violence to break out, since there are a lot of Muslims here - but nothing thus far, and I'm not sure I actually anticipate that happening. - Mar 2015

I haven't heard of anyone having a break-in. Security in my apartment complex is pretty good. A local person told me her phone was picked from her purse but I haven't had such problems. Nobody bothers me. That said, this is India and there are beggars who can hassle you. As long as you're polite and ignore them, they'll pretty much leave you alone. Wherever you go, you'll be frisked for guns or explosives. India has had its share of terrorism. - Jan 2015

There have been a number of terrorist attacks in Hyderabad during the past 10 years including a bombing in 2013. Westerners are not specifically targeted but you will notice that security is tight at places such as hotels and shopping malls. Women should take extra precautions when going out or traveling, especially alone. - Nov 2014

Not really. Some bombings last year by a homegrown terror group, but not targetted against foreigners. The Indian Govt runs a pretty tight ship, security wise. The consulate also provides security guards for our homes at night. It's a different tale entirely for women, though. None of the females at post would dare to go out alone. Harassment (so-called "eve teasing" and "eye rapes") is rampant and a serious issue. What you read in the newspaper is not an exaggeration. The opposite, in fact. - Jul 2014

Not really. The traffic is probably the most dangerous thing about Hyderabad. - Mar 2012

Many Western women feel uncomfortable and there have been reports of harassment. There is often local tension between Muslim and Hindu groups, but targeting each other rather than Westerners. There are pickpockets in large crowds. - Feb 2012

Not really. - Jan 2011

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