Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

What is your home city/country? How long is the trip to post from there, with what connections? How easy/difficult is it to travel to this city/country?

Virginia is home. The total transit time was about 24 hours with a transfer through either the Gulf or London. - Jun 2024

Austin. It's a slog to get home and back. How hard depends on which direction - there's a BA flight through London that's direct Austin-Heathrow-Hyderabad, but it doesn't work in the other direction because the Hyderabad-London flight arrives after the London-Austin flight has left. If you can stay over, it would work, but that's not usually an option for R&R. The other ok choice is Qatar through Doha. You still have to change in the US, though. However, Lufthansa has recently added a direct flight to Frankfurt from Hyderabad, and there's already a direct flight FRA-AUS. We haven't used it yet, however. - Apr 2024

There are no direct connections to the U.S., but that may change. Most connections run via New Delhi, the Gulf and Mumbai. Immigration and emigration often takes a considerable amount of time for residents and guests. - Jan 2023

We are from Seattle but since training before and after was in Washington, DC, our flights were from and to there. In both cases we flew through London. It was around eight hours across the Atlantic and a bit longer from London to Hyderabad. All told, plan on losing two or three days with the time zone differences, layovers, and jet-lag. If you are buying your own tickets there are lots of connections through cities around the Persian Gulf and SE Asia, plus Delhi and Mumbai. - Dec 2020

Washington, D.C. metro area. Pre-COVID it is a 20-something hour journey - DC to London with a 3-4 hour layover, then London-Hyderabad. - Jul 2020

Two answers: Washington, DC is our base, and that is fairly straightforward on a one-stop flight on British Air passing through London for 4 hours. Getting to where our parents live can take anywhere from 12-48 hours or longer, with multiple connections. We recently stopped trying to do it in one shot and have taken long layovers in London to get through part of the jetlag. The prolonged period of time it took to get home meant my spouse missed his father's funeral. - Jul 2019

East Coast, USA with just one connection thru London. It was a very smooth travel experience with just one stop and enough time to have a bite and stretch in between (and the London airport is great). - Jan 2019

Washington, DC. No direct flights; best options IAD-LHR-HYD on British Airways or to go on any of the options through the Middle East. - Nov 2017

It takes about 24 hours to travel from Hyderabad to Washington, D.C. or San Francisco. Connections through Doha, Dubai, London, New Delhi. - Sep 2016

Florida, technically. I haven't done the connection, but I imagine it's near 20 hours. Best flight would probably be with Emirates or British Airways, but both have two connections, at the least. - Mar 2015

It takes about 24 hours to go from Hyderabad to Washington, D.C., with a layover in Dubai. It's a long and exhausting trip. - Jan 2015

U.S.A. It's a very long trip from the U.S. Especially if you are trying to import a pet. Depending on your Fly America availability, connections are through London, Frankfurt, or Dubai. - Nov 2014

Virginia. Trip home is looong. About 20 hours in the air. Only good connections out of Hyderabad are to Doha, Dubai or London. Do whatever you can to avoid connections in India (Mumbai/Delhi). - Jul 2014

Home base is on the U.S. East Coast, and it is at least 24 hour trip with layovers. Best route was Frankfurt to Hyderabad on Lufthansa, but that flight has been cancelled. It is convenient to fly through Dubai, Doha, and London. - Mar 2012

Home base is the U.S. We can fly from HYD to Mumbai and get a direct flight from there to Newark, NJ. There are flights from HYD to Frankfurt, HYD to Dubai, and HYD to London that connect to the US. Travel to the US takes between 24 to 30 hours depending on where your final destination is. - Feb 2012

USA, 20-30 hours depending on where in the US.The best flight back to the USWC is with Emirates via Dubai. There is no longer a flight though Amsterdam. - Jan 2011

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