Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Knowing what you know now, would you still move to this city?

If given the choice of any Indian city, I would definitely choose Hyderabad again. - Jun 2024

YES. I extended pretty much as soon as my feet hit the floor. I love India and was thrilled to get another chance to live here. - Apr 2024

Yes. It might still not be my first choice, worldwide, but we had a good two years here. - Jan 2023

Yes, absolutely, and I would return in a heartbeat. - Dec 2020

No. - Jul 2020

Career-wise, it was a good move. Plus, I wanted to experience the region. Also, Hyderabad is a two-year post, which was a big sell. If we had to live in Hyderabad again, versus any other city in India, I would say yes. The pollution in Kolkata and Delhi is so terrible that I can't imagine living in 400+ AQI. Mumbai traffic makes it hard to leave your neighborhood and I'd argue it has fewer cultural attractions than Hyderabad. And many people complain about living in Chennai. So yes, I'd pick Hyderabad of the five U.S. post cities in India. - Jul 2019

Yes. - Jan 2019

Yes. - Nov 2017

No. Never. - Sep 2016

Yeah, it's not too bad. - Mar 2015

Absolutely! We love it here. You won't regret coming here. - Jan 2015

Yes. But would I do it again? No. - Nov 2014

Probably not. I've really enjoyed the esprit de corps here at Post and the amount of time I've been able to spend with my family, but the constant onslaught of India (full volume, 100 percent of the time, all five senses) combined with a huge consular workload and overal high cost of living has made this a tough assignment. A new consulate will be built here in 4-5 years, inshallah, and that might be a better time to return. - Jul 2014

No. - Mar 2012

I would and my daughter would. I'm not so sure about my husband. - Feb 2012

Probably not. I would have gone to a city with more to do like Delhi or Mumbai. - Jan 2011

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