Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there any particular health concerns? What is the quality of available medical care? What medical conditions typically require medical evacuation?

Medical care is okay. Hyderabad is a medical tourism destination for certain treatments (primarily for Lasik and cosmetic surgeries). There is a doctor at the Consulate who does her best to take care of us. No one during our time was medevac’d. I was pretty disappointed with the pediatric care locally. One person delivered at post and said the care was fine. Another was pregnant and liked her OB-GYN. - Jun 2024

Dengue, chikungunya, covid, problems with pollution (although the air here is MUCH cleaner than most of the rest of India). There is a pretty good level of medical care available, good large hospitals, etc. We currently have local medical providers in the consulate, but there's an effort afoot to get a direct hire American, now that we're growing so much. - Apr 2024

Health concerns: dengue is a real possibility. Delhi belly is probably going to happen to you: if you can’t keep fluids down, get to a hospital, but everyone is understanding. If you have to stay a few extra nights at a hotel or cancel a trip before it starts, that’s frustrating, but it’s more affordable than elsewhere. The doctors are A1, world class. Get Lasik. Get dental work done. The facilities might look a little run down and the nursing care can be a little weird, but the medical professionals are excellent. - Jan 2023

We never had any issues beyond a few common colds. No gastrointestinal issues despite extensively partaking in local fare. Maybe Tajikistan fortified our guts? Maybe we were lucky? Unlike us adults our kids rarely ate locally and we packed them food for most trips. Dengue is a big issue in Hyderabad but we never had mosquitoes at home and we made a point of not being outdoors in the evenings when the mosquitoes were out. - Dec 2020

We are currently mid-COVID, but aside from that medical care here is middling. Generally you can get dental care or a visit to a GP as needed, under COVID healthcare providers are overwhelmed and who knows when or if things will return to normal. - Jul 2020

Health concerns include pollution, water, food, and insects. Precautions must be taken to prevent illness for each of those broad categories, and new residents quickly adapt. You hermetically seal your apartment, drink only filtered water, clean all fruits and vegetables (we bleached everything and never once got sick), and take care with bugs (mosquito spray if you need it). Medical care is pretty poor. Dental care was widely revered as cheap and of good quality, but we each had a really uncomfortable experience with a regular dental cleaning. Several people were hospitalized with conditions that went undiagnosed. Lots of people with health issues get medevac'd. - Jul 2019

Mosquito born illnesses. Medical care seems good here, doctors often train abroad in the west. - Jan 2019

Definitely follow DOS's advice on vaccinations, wear mosquito repellent and properly clean produce/fruits prior to eating and you'll be fine. - Nov 2017

Yes; everyone gets sick here, some more often than others. Strands of disease here seem to be much stronger than anywhere else we have lived. When you get sick, you are pretty much down for days. Most common illnesses are stomach-related and then there is the flu. A simple cut takes twice as long to heal. Medical care is horrible, and the consulate med unit is no different. With that said, some people elect to have surgeries here because of the low cost.All serious cases are medevac'ed to Singapore or Bangkok. - Sep 2016

I think medical care is hit or miss. There are some really good, really cheap procedures. But there are horror-stories of inadequate sanitation standards. Just be really careful on which hospital you go to, and make sure you watch them clean/sterilize the instruments. - Mar 2015

The Consulate doesn't have an RMO. However, they just hired a new doctor. I've found the medical care here to be adequate. Many Indian doctors have worked in the U.S. before. Prescription drugs are very cheap. - Jan 2015

Hyderabad is relatively healthy compared to Delhi. As a personal anecdote I was sick far less wile living in Hyderabad than I was in D.C. Dengue and other tropical diseases are a concern. Delhi belly is inevitable. Medical quality is very good with some good private hospitals and doctors trained in the U.S. Dental care is also quality and inexpensive. - Nov 2014

Dengue fever, cholera, typhoid and nasty food poisoning. You will get sick here. Healthcare in general is quite good, though, and very cheap. Many good private hospitals. Dental care is also great and cheap. - Jul 2014

The main health concerns are related to food poisoning. Regular stomach problems are to be expected. - Mar 2012

Medical care is quite good. Dengue fever, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis are concerns, but not as much in the city as in the rural areas. - Feb 2012

Many health concerns from dengue to food-borne illnesses to pollution. There are good hospitals in Mumbai and Delhi, but not in Hyderabad. There have been many medical evacuations from the consulate. - Jan 2011

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