Hyderabad - Post Report Question and Answers

Are there problems with ethnic, race/racial minorities or religious prejudices? Gender equality?

Please see above. - Jun 2024

See above, but yes, this is an issue. - Jan 2023

Yes. There is definitely tension between the Muslim and Hindu communities, caste issues, and major gender equality issues. We found it easy enough to navigate these problems though and the impact on us personally was not significant. That is NOT to say that the issues are not significant, just that impact on us personally as expatriates was minimal. - Dec 2020

Women generally have a harder time than men here, as far as I'm aware. - Jul 2020

Not on the surface at least that I have witnessed. - Jan 2019

Women are definitely second class citizens in the local culture. However, expat foreign women are treated better. - Nov 2017

Hyderabad has a religious mix of Hindus, Muslims, and a few Christians. You would think that everyone can live together peacefully. Gender prejudice is huge; so is violence against women and people of African descent. - Sep 2016

As with most of India, women are ignored when there's a male present. Waiters will talk to the male specifically, and expect him to order. Just ignore it and order for yourself and stand up for yourself as a woman. I haven't seen religious prejudices: it's a very mixed city since the Nizam's first ruled in the 1700/1800s. Indians tend to favor lighter colored people - I did see an African-American coworker at the airport get pulled into extra security that I imagine is racial in tone (as I didn't get pulled and I was right next to them). I wouldn't go out at night as a woman alone, but would be fine most other times of the day in most places. - Mar 2015

Hyderabad has a religious mix of Hindus, Muslims, and a few Christians. I understand it has the highest percentage of Muslim population in India. While it's fairly conservative, e.g., it's common to see women wearing burkhas, I don't feel any animosity towards me for being a Westerner. In fact, out and about in the city, the people couldn't be more curious or kind towards me. - Jan 2015

Yes, yes, and yes but generally not for foreigners. In India, caste, race, religion, and gender define your identity. Your identity as "foreigner" will trump the rest of these issues but be prepared for very blunt questions from strangers asking about your race or religion. - Nov 2014

Big problems with gender prejudice. Female infanticide is still widely practiced in India. Most of us have stopped reading the newspaper because we simply can't bear to read about yet another little girl being raped. This is a highly conservative, misogynistic city. It's not a worldy, open city like Delhi, Mumbai or Kolkata. - Jul 2014

India is very tolerant of religious diversity. Indians can make remarks that may be considered racist in the U.S., but I don't think it is meant to be antagonistic. The biggest problem is gender prejudice. Women have faced harassment here for merely walking on the street. - Mar 2012

There is often tension between small groups of Hindus and Muslims, usually around holidays, but targeted only toward each other. It's usually neighborhood boys throwing rocks at each other. In general Hyderabad is known as a tolerant city. - Feb 2012

The Pew Research Forum rates India as "very high" in terms of "government restrictions and social hostilities" in religion. There are few churches and no temples, though there are, of course, expats who are not Hindu or Muslim. Gender prejudices are one of the hardest things to deal with. Women are second-class citizens and are treated horribly. However, as an expat, you are more or less exempt from that, since you are viewed as a rich foreigner, even if you are a woman. - Jan 2011

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