Shenyang - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

Small, with okay morale. People mostly know what they're getting in to, coming here. I think the people who have close ties to Beijing have it the worst, as it's just close enough to visit and so they don't settle in here. - Mar 2019

Small but growing. Morale is generally high, especially among co-workers. Spouses need to tap into the work community or find another social circle. - Jul 2016

Really high morale for the past couple years, kind of a make-your-own fun post, though. Some people come and can't make the best of it and have a hard time. Others press into the small-mid sized community and enjoy it. There aren't too many other Americans here though they are French, Germans and Japanese. - Aug 2014

A couple of hundred. Morale for the most part is great. - Nov 2013

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