Sao Paulo - Post Report Question and Answers

What is the relative size of the expatriate community? How would you describe overall morale among expatriates?

The US Consulate is quite large, and a number of other countries have consulates in Sao Paulo. Morale is mixed. Sao Paulo is or has been a historically challenging to fill post. It is definitely not for everyone, though some people seem to like it. If you're a first or second tour Consular officer, be aware that this is one of the busiest NIV posts in the world, so work is grueling and monotonous. Non-Consular sections seem to be happier. Being a large city, Sao Paulo has much to offer in the way of events, museums, and restaurants. Getting around the city can be disheartening during times of bad traffic. And getting out of the city to do things on the weekend is challenging unless you are a very patient driver; it's almost easier to just fly somewhere if one wants to get away from Sao Paulo for a bit, especially if you can take a flight from Congonhas. I would say the main benefit of Sao Paulo is that it's a good base for exploring the rest of South America as you can fly many places regionally from GRU. Many do vacations to Argentina, Chile, Peru,..., and of course Brazil is a very large country with interesting natural places to visit as well (Amazon, Pantanal, Iguazu,...), but week-to-week one can feel quite trapped in Sao Paulo and you really have to be a "city-person" to want to live here. - Jun 2024

Unsure. I would guess with the size of the city it is large. However, there really isn't a "community". Sao Paulo offers many experiences so people tend to go it alone (with their families). Some of the singles have built a herd among themselves and I imagine they feel differently than I. - May 2021

Probably very large but people do not get together. There is not a cohesive expat community as there is in some places. It is a bit tough to find a sense of community here. - Apr 2021

I'd think the expat community would be larger. I'm always surprised when I meet another foreigner out and about! There must be tons of them given how SP has headquarters for so many major international companies. Morale is...mixed. some people love it, some people hate it. It depends on what you make of it really. Go out and take advantage of this massive amazing city, make local friends, get out and travel, and you're happy. Stay isolated and fearful, let the traffic get to're miserable. At work it really depends on other factors, and that's a whole other discussion. - Aug 2019

Sao Paulo has a very large expatriate community. Morale shifts based on work (those with the government are higher than private, since a lot of private companies are pulling out of Sao Paulo and Brazil given the financial and political issues). If you can travel outside of the city at least once a month it will help with your morale (this is what most locals do). - Nov 2017

Pretty big. Like people's moods in the States, morale varies here. - Apr 2017

There is a large and active expat community. If that's what you're looking for, you'll find it through InterNations and the American Society. - Apr 2017

Pretty large. American Society and lots of college alumni groups. - Jan 2017

Very large. Sao Paulo has numerous US companies operated by American expats. - Jan 2017

Large expat community, as you would expect in a large city. Morale? I think it's pretty good. I like it here. Generally, I feel like this is an easy overseas post. There are challenges, sure, but they are not as steep as in less-developed countries. - Aug 2015

Large. There is a huge community outside the consulate. - Aug 2013

Fairly large and growing. - Dec 2012

Huge - Jan 2012

large - Jan 2012

Fair, but I heard that it is less than in the past as many businesses have pulled out of Brazil. - Jan 2012

Very large. - Oct 2008

Pretty big. In Rio, it seems like every Brazilian treats an expat like a gringo tourist who's just passing through. In Sao Paulo, foreigner get a lot more respect. I feel like I'm treated the same way a New Yorker might treat a young, professional Brazilian working over there. - Aug 2008

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